Transform Your Blog Into A T-Shirt Selling Machine
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The new Covert Shirt Store theme goes live at 10 am EST today…
and this perhaps the most cutting edge stuff I have ever seen…
Just calling it a theme hardly does it justice.
Covert Shirt Store lets you run your profit pulling t-shirt store, straight from your WordPress blog!
I have NEVER seen ALL of this in a WordPress theme before.Covert Shirt Store is totally unique, cutting edge and insanely powerful.
Yet so simple to use it makes sending an email seem clunky.
==> You HAVE to watch the demo video and see this theme in action!
You can make BIG MONEY selling your T-shirt designs online! Uncover the secrets to picking winning designs nearly every time!
Get TeeSpring Mastery Step By Step Video Series Now!Bonus #3 – Selling TShirt For Fun and Profit
This guide includes some of the basics of online marketing, t-shirt design, and advertising!Bonus #4 – Teespring Profits Made Easy
T-shirt selling is the unexplored key to EARN EXTRA INCOME This exclusive training will take you by the hand and show you how step-by-step, topic by topic, and tool by toolBonus #5 – Making Money with T-Shirts
Video Course On Making Money with T-Shirts! You might already noticed that most products that are sold online are in digital form.
Bonus #6 – Teespring Instant Cash
Learn How to Make Instant Cash With Teespring!
Bonus #7 – eCommerce Niches
Learn How To Find Hot Niches for Your eCommerce Business!
Bonus # – eCommerce Made Easy
Learn how to be Success in eCommerce Business the Easy Way!
Bonus #8 – eCommerce Fire Sale
Electronic commerce is a powerful concept and process that has fundamentally changed the current of human life.
Setting up and launching an ecommerce website is as simple as painless as creating a WordPress or Blogger blog these days thanks to ecommerce platforms like Shopify.
Want to sell your products online but still unsure which platform to use? Check out Shopify
Discover How To Get Your Piece Of The Multi-Million Dollar eCommerce Pie
Get Instant Access to Covert Shirt Store with all my Bonuses at 10 am EST

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Do I have to print and ship my t-shirts?
A: Nope, that’s the beauty of the print on demand model. Sites like Skreened, SunFrog Shirts, Teezily, Fabrily and Teespring will print and ship for you on an order by order business. You have no upfront cost or any work to do. All you have to do is to pocket the profit from each t-shirt you sell.
Q. Do I have to design and create my own t-shirts?
A: No, you can use the Covert Shirt Store theme entirely as an affiliate selling t-shirts from Amazon, SunFrog Shirts & You don’t have to create any shirts yourself. But since the self optimizing feature in the theme will quickly reveal which of your shirts are the most popular, you are perfectly armed to create your own shirts. You will know exactly what sells and what to create.
Q. Are there any other costs except for buying the theme?
A: You need to have a hosting account and a domain name with WordPress on it in order to run the theme. Other than that there is no extra cost. The theme was specifically designed to be a free alternative to running costly paid advertising for your t-shirts.
Q. Do you have an upsell/one time offer?
A: Yes there is an upgrade offer. It’s a t-shirt creator software and it’s pretty darn sweet. However the theme will do everything we say here on this page without it. The upgrade is recommended but NOT essential.
Q. What if I have Covert Shirt Store Ver1, do I need to pay for Version 2?
A: No, as an existing customer you are covered under the ongoing/unlimited updates and the new version is available to you from your download page.
Get Instant Access to Covert Shirt Store with all my Bonuses at 10 am EST
You can grab it at the the special low early bird price at launch time. But in less than 24 hours the price will start going up… FAST!